My Mom’s Battle with Cancer When I was a Teen

What I Don’t Want You To Know About Me + Owning My Truth

I did this video last week on Facebook Live on what was going on inside of me as a high school teenager, as my mom battled cancer. The video for me was edgy, to say the least, as I knew, even before I got on the video that, where I was that day, I would cry if I shared this story. Owning my truth

But I just knew I had to share it.

And after I did the video, a piece of me wanted to hide and I realized:

How truly terrifying it is to cry and share vulnerable pieces of myself in a public space. After all, perfection is safe, and I was taught that you keep the other parts to yourself, that’s it’s only really acceptable to share the good stuff like vacations, adventures, achievements, and successes. A big piece of this, too, was crying is shameful and should be done behind closed doors.

So, when I did this video, my gut reaction after it concluded was to take it down. I didn’t want to bring shame to my family, and I worried about the looks and judgments I would receive from people who know me and aren’t on this path.

But I didn’t take it down.

You see, I’ve been getting these strong hits lately that sharing my journey while staying connected to my emotions is a big piece of my path, and that it can help inspire others that all pieces of us are lovable, and all of our emotions, even the “bad” ones, are good, and it’s ok to share these it whatever way you feel called to share them.

So, I share the below video with you today to let you know that, I, too, struggle with putting myself out there, owning my truth, and with what image I want to present to the world, and as part of that, what’s ok to share and not to share.

I share this video with you to light your path to your own truth.

And, I share this video with you to let you know owning your truth isn’t always comfortable. It’s not always easy. And, many times, it can be the scariest thing you ever do.

You can watch the below video here:

And, I’d love to hear how any of the above lands in you. What have you struggled with sharing and/or owning within yourself? Please comment below. I’d love to support you with this.

Also, you are not alone. If the above inspires you in any way, I’d love to have you on this journey with me, as I share more and more pieces and layers. You can add me on Facebook here.

To that kind of freedom,