I met someone the other day…

I met someone the other day…

Another human. He had come into my place to deliver a new microwave, and it reminded me of the times in my past when I wouldn’t have even acknowledged his presence. Subconsciously, I may have even treated him less than due to his job or felt that I didn’t need to acknowledge him because he wasn’t family, a friend or someone I knew.

This time, though, I felt an instinctual pull to speak to him, to acknowledge him, and really, to acknowledge his humanity.

I do this often. When I’m walking. At the gym. In my building. I make eye contact. I smile. Maybe I even say hi or offer a compliment. I’m sure sometimes it gets misconstrued, but in my book, if you’re a human, you qualify. Not to mention you never know when just one small act can make a big difference in someone’s day or life.

Sharing this sweet reminder today, just in case you or someone you know needs it.